Man escapes car crash only to be run over and killed by his wife (・・・) to help
The French motorist managed to crawl free from the wreckage before calling his partner - who crushed him at the scene when her vehicle spun out of control
How to tell your dad you hate (・・・) to his house?
Okay so I am 12 almost 13 year old girl and I don't know what to do. I live in Wisconsin, but my dad lives in Iowa right next to the border of wi. So it's about a 15 minute drive from my dads house to my moms house. I hate (・・・) to my dads house. It's just so lonely and depressing and I want to (・・・) home and be with my mom. My dad is recently divorced and I have a little bratty, snobby 6 year old sister. It's so lonely my friends are in a different state. I told my dad how I felt how i don't want to (・・・) to his house and he is rude. He is always telling me to go for a run and write down what I eat. He puts me down and makes me sad. He told me that if I don't (・・・) down to his house then he was shutting my iPhone off and taking my laptop away. I told him that it wasn't fair because he didn't even buy me that laptop. I really don't know what to do. I want to keep my laptop and my phone but I don't want to (・・・) to his house or see him or his family anymore please help this is urgent.
going, going, go, going, come, go
3番目の括弧にgoが入るのは、父親の家に行ったときの事を言っているので、今度はそこが原点になり、母親いるうちに帰るのだから"go home"になる。
He said to me, "If you don't come down to my house, I'm shutting your iPhone off and taking your laptop."となる。