
2. Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy
She'll beat you if she's able
You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet

歌詞のこの部分も意味不明。"Don't you..."は否定疑問と同じ形式になっているが、否定の命令文でも、同じ形になる場合があり、ここは後者の意味だと思う。
それにしても、"the queen of diamond"とか"the queen of heart"というのは何のことか。
それではということで再びネット検索。歌詞をそのまま検索語として検索すると、二番目にヒットしたのが、またまたYahoo Answer。回答部分を以下に引用する。

It's hard to say exactly what it means, I'm sure it has many meanings and it's basically open to your interpretation of it.

What I think it means is the Queen of Diamonds symbolizes a certain type of woman. She isn't the right kind of woman for the man who the song is about. "The Queen of Hearts is always your best bet" now this is a woman who will love the man for he and what he is. The Queen of Diamond is the opposite, because she's basically out for her own self interest and is out to take the man for basically everything he has. Remember the lyric "you only want the one you can't get" which may mean what this man "needs" is laid out in front of him but he may choose something else he cannot attain or would be a mistake to go after, that could possibly be also the Queen of Diamonds, I don't know.

The whole song basically is about love and loneliness, and it's about a mans fear or inability to love or let himself be loved. You can find a lot of hints in the other lyrics themselves, especially the one that I provided you with. Hope this helps you some.
