

原文: そんなチャロは11歳で亡くなりました。私がフィギュアスケートの練習拠点をアメリカに移した頃です。皮膚が弱くて、薬を長年投与していて、体に負担がかかったのかもしれません。
訳文1: He died at the age of eleven, just after I moved to the U.S. to pursue more training of figure skating. He had a sensitive skin and took skin medicine for a long time, which I would think contributed his early death.
訳文2: Charo had been so nice but he died at the age of eleven. That was around when I moved to the US to practice figure skating there. He had had skin problems and taken medicine for a long time, which might have caused him to be weaker.

訳例1,2ともに、「練習拠点」を直訳しようとしなかったのは賢明。「練習」がpracticeで、「拠点」がbaseだから、「練習拠点」はpractice baseなどとすると、I moved my practice base to the United States.というようなわけの分からない英文ができ上がる。
訳例: He had always been like that until he died at the age of eleven. It was when I moved to the United States to practice figure skating. He had a sensitive skin and had been prescribed medicine for a long time. Which might have been giving bad effects to his system.