

原文: トリノ五輪の記念にカニンヘンダックスのティラミスを飼い始め、続いて同じ犬種のアロマを飼い、その子供のローザが生まれ、私の生活はにぎやかになっていました。そして4年前からは、両親とチョコも上京し、4匹の犬と一緒に暮らすようになりました。
訳文1: Just after I won in the Turin Olympics, I started to keep Tiramisu, a kaninchen dachshund and then Aroma, who is also the same dog type as Tiramisu. After a while, Rosa, Aroma's baby dog was born. My life became more and more lively with them. My parents and Choco moved to Tokyo four years ago. My parents, four dogs and I have lived together since then.
訳文2: In commemoration of Torino Winter Olympics, I started to keep Tiramisu, a kaninchen dachshund or a rabbit dachshund, followed by the same breed, Aroma. After Aroma had a puppy, Rosa, my life had become cheerful. Then my parents and Choco moved to live with me and my four dogs four years ago.

訳文2のfollowed byの部分は分詞構文だから、意味上の主語は主文の主語であるI(私)なってしまい、訳者が意図したTiramisuにはならない。
多くは、started to...で表現できる。
訳例: I got a kaninchen dachshund, Tiramisu, to reward myself right after the Turin Olympics, then continuously got another kaninchen, Aroma, which gave birth to Rosa. All these dogs made my life more lively. My parents and Choco joined my life in Tokyo four years ago and our family with the four dogs have lived together since then.