

原文: チャロの死は、心に穴が開いたようで、悲しくて寂しくてたまらなかった。両親も「動物は死に別れると辛いからもう飼いたくない」と嘆いていました。
訳文1: Charo's death gave me sorrow, heartache and emptiness. My parents also grieved, saying they gave up keeping a pet because its death would devastate them.
訳文2: After his death, everything seemed meaningless to me and I missed him a great deal with sadness. My parents also lamented over his death and said, "We don't want to have an animal any more because we don't bear losing them."

たとえば、Charo'd death made me feel as if there were a big hole in my heart.のような英語。文脈から、どういうことを言いたいのかは推測できるが、正しい英語ではない。
訳文2のように、原文の内容を別の言い方に替えてしまうのも、一つの方法だと思う。ただ、この訳文のI missed him a great deal with sadnessの部分はa great dealがmissedを修飾しているから、with sadnessも、これと並行して、missedを修飾することになる。しかし、"miss someone with sadness"という言い方をネットで検索してもでてこないから、通常の言い方ではない。
単に、I missed him a great deal. または、I missed him a lot.とすればそれで足りる。ネット検索では、後者の言い方のほうが普通。
訳例 I was devasted by Charo's death: it was too sad and gave me emptiness. My parents also grieved, saying they would never have a pet anymore because its death would be devastaing to their minds.